At Funtazia, our philosophy draws inspiration from the Reggio Emilia approach, where we recognise and celebrate the uniqueness of each child, honouring their individual needs and abilities.

Our teachers play a crucial role by attentively observing and listening to the children, allowing for tailored activities that deepen their reflections and spark new thoughts.

At Funtazia, we embrace the principles of BEING, BECOMING, and BELONGING. This means that children are active participants in their own learning journey. And we affirm children’s rights to develop their own personality. All interactions, experiences, routines, and events occur in an environment designed to promote a sense of well-being. At Funtazia, children feel safe, secure and supported by the adults with them. They feel connected to their world of friends, family and Funtazia.Little ones are encouraged by our teachers to develop their emerging autonomy, independence, interdependence, and sense of agency, laying the foundation for a lifetime of learning and growth.




Rooted in the Reggio Emilia approach, our curriculum emphasises learning through play, exploration, and hands-on experiences.

The concept of the "hundred languages of children" guides our approach, recognising the myriad ways children express themselves and engage with the world around them.

To cater to the diverse needs of our children, we offer a variety of developmentally appropriate activities tailored to their age and stage of development.

Our curriculum focuses on nurturing key areas of development, including:

  • Motor skills: Through activities such as painting, building, and sensory games.
  • Communication skills: Encouraging vocabulary expansion, clear speech, and social interaction through reading, singing, and conversation in both English and Dutch.
  • Social-emotional skills: Fostering teamwork, empathy, and emotional awareness through group activities, celebrations, and interpersonal interactions.
  • Sensory skills: Providing opportunities for sensory exploration and discovery through baking, outdoor play, and creative experiences.
  • Cognitive skills: Supporting overall cognitive development through engagement in the aforementioned areas, promoting critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.


Opening times

Day Care
From 3 months to 4 years of age. All-inclusive Fees. 
Open from 8:00 – 18:30 M-F, excluding public holidays.

After School & Holiday Care
From 4 to 12 years of age.
After School Care is open from 14:45 – 18:30 (Wednesdays from 12:00). Holiday Care is open 8:00-17:00/18:30 in line with the annual NAISR holiday care schedule.



  • At Funtazia International Child Care, our aim is to create a nurturing "home away from home" environment for families within the international community in and around Rotterdam as well as local Dutch families in Hillegersberg.
  • We prioritise providing quality care in a safe, loving, and respectful environment, delivered by our team of qualified and professional teachers.
  • Our goal is to support and encourage children's holistic development by offering a diverse range of stimulating activities.



Placing little tots and toddlers into horizontal age groups in Funtazia's Day Care fosters tailored and appropriate learning experiences. It promotes social interaction among peers at similar developmental stages.

Horizontal grouping ensures our teachers can offer age-appropriate activities and challenges. It cultivates a supportive environment where children with similar ages and stages can thrive together.

Read more about our Day Care groups by visiting the Horizontal Groups page.



Registration & Placement

Admission to Funtazia is based on a registration system. Families can register children at any time during the year. To complete the registration process, parents are requested to register digitally using the Registration Form on our website.

Day Care: We recommend making contact and registering your baby as soon as possible to be placed on our waiting list. Registration on our waitlist doesn’t mean any financial commitment for families. 

After School Care (BSO): Parents may apply for a place in Funtazia BSO at any time, however placement for the new school year takes place in the summer months from June-August. Before this time children are placed on a waiting list for the new school year. Children who have existing placements at Funtazia and who attend NAISR will be given priority. Registration is possible per full afternoon only and not per hour. The enrolment of a child in BSO constitutes an agreement with Funtazia, valid for the complete school year from August to June/July. Enrolment will automatically stop at the end of the NAISR or Dutch schools academic year. 

Holiday Care: Parents may apply for holiday care at any time. A reminder is sent to parents on the holiday care contact list several weeks before each break to ask them to confirm their needs for the upcoming period. Registration for holiday care is per full day only. Enrolment will automatically stop at the end of each holiday period. 

The enrolment of a child will be taken into consideration by Funtazia upon receipt of a completed application through our website.

Day Care: The minimum number of weekdays required to register for day care at Funtazia is two days per week 

After School Care (BSO): Monday, Tuesday and Thursday are popular days in the Funtazia BSO. Therefore, when requesting care on one of these days it is required that a child is placed for a minimum of two days in the BSO. 

Holiday Care: There is no minimum number of days required to register for Holiday Care 

Day Care: Placement is subject to availability. If we have no place available for the requested days, families will be placed on the waitlist and will be contacted as soon as a place opens up. Siblings of children already attending Funtazia and Nord Anglia International School Rotterdam (NAISR) are given priority. Funtazia offers a place by sending an agreement. After digitally signing the agreement, the reservation will be converted into a final placement.  

After School Care (BSO): Parents for whom a placement is possible will be contacted during the summer to confirm their requirements and to secure a place for their child. Funtazia services Nord Anglia International School Rotterdam (NAISR) families who often arrive in, or leave, The Netherlands during the summer break. For this reason after school care (BSO) contracts at Funtazia run for one academic year from August to June (NAISR) or until July (for students in Dutch schools). Placement is arranged on a yearly basis during the summer months. NAISR students, children with a placement the previous academic year and siblings will be given priority.

Day Care:
Permanent Changes - Parents who wish to permanently change the schedule of days for their child in the daycare should send their request to info@funtazia.nl.
One-off/Indicental - Funtazia does not offer the possibility to swap days. For children already attending Funtazia, the occational extra day can be requested well in advance and we will do our best to accommodate if there is space available. These additional hours are subject to availability and will be invoiced in the following month. 

After School Care:
Permanent Changes - Parents who wish to permanently change the schedule of days for their child in after school care (BSO) should send their request to bso@funtazia.nl 
One-off/Indicental - Funtazia does not offer the possibility to swap days. For children already attending the BSO, the occational extra day can be requested well in advance and we will do our best to accommodate if there is space available. These additional hours are subject to availability and will be invoiced in the following month. 

Holiday Care:
Additional holiday care days may be booked up to 24 hours in advance via bso@funtazia.nl . We will place your child where availability and the schedule of already booked excursions and workshops allow. These additional hours will be invoiced in the following month for parents of children in the after school care (BSO) programme and in advance of the requested days for children attending holiday care only. 

Invoices, Fees and Tax Returns

The 2024 Funtazia hourly rate for daycare is: €10,80 per hour. This is charged at €113,40 per day based on 10,5 hours per day. At Funtazia Daycare, everything your child needs during the day will be provided in the fees such as: Diapers, diaper cream, wipes, formula, healthy snacks, warm lunch, toothbrushes, bibs, sleeping bags, sun cream. Parents are asked to provide indoor shoes and a set of extra clothes for your child.

The 2024 Funtazia hourly rate for after school care (BSO) and holiday care is €9 per hour. After School Care is charged per afternoon (€31,50 for 3,5 hours or €58,50 for 6.5 hours on Wednesdays/Early Dismissals). Holiday Care is charged per day (€81,00 until 17:00). At the Funtazia BSO or Holiday Care, the following are included in the fees: All snacks and meals as well as costs for workshops, excursions and transport.

Through the Dutch Childcare Allowance (Kinderopvangtoeslag), a substantial portion of your child care costs (for children aged 0-12 years) can be reimbursed for almost all families where one or both parents are working or studying – irrespective of nationality or length of stay. The amount you will get back is dependent on your combined gross income and the number of hours you and your partner are working/studying. Through this link, the government provides further information on the criteria to claim the Dutch Childcare Allowance (Kinderopvangtoeslag). This allowance applies to day care, after school care and holiday care.

Funtazia fees are all inclusive. Everything your child needs for the day is included in our fees. 

Day Care: Diapers*, wipes, formula*, healthy snacks, warm meals, toothbrushes, bibs, sleeping bags, etc. 
*Diapers are provided. If you prefer a different brand to the one used at Funtazia or if your child uses a particular brand due to allergies, please provide your own. 
*Formula is provided. If you prefer a different brand to the one used at Funtazia or if your child uses a particular brand due to allergies, please provide your own. 

BSO/Holiday Care: All snacks and meals as well as costs for workshops, excursions and transport, etc. 

Day Care: For parents of children in the day care an invoice is sent one month in advance (on the 1st day of each month) both via email and the parent App on the first day of each month.  

After School Care (BSO): Parents with children in after school care (BSO) will receive the invoice for care one month in arrears (on the 1st day of each month). The invoice will be sent both via email and the parent App. 

Holiday Care: Parents with children also in the after school care (BSO) programme will be invoiced for holiday care one month in arrears together with the invoice for after school care (BSO).
Parents whose children are solely registered for holiday care will receive an invoice to be paid in full before the start of the holiday week for which their child is registered. 

All invoices can be paid via bank transfer according to the bank details on the Funtazia invoice. All Funtazia invoices should be paid in full within 14 days from the date of the invoice. 

Upon request of the parent(s)/guardian(s), Funtazia accepts to send the invoices for fees and/or other fees to a third party such as the employer of the parent/guardian. Notwithstanding any payment arrangements between the parent(s) and the third parties, the parent(s)/guardian(s) remain liable for the full payment of all invoices.

If your child is attending, or is about to begin attending, day care or after school care (BSO), you may be eligible to receive kinderopvangtoeslag (Dutch Child Care Allowance). This benefit may in some instances also apply to holiday care. To determine whether you are eligible to receive this benefit and to calculate how much you may be entitled to, visit Dutch Child Care Allowance. You can apply for this benefit online by logging into Mijn toeslagen (you will need a DigiD for this). The 'Mijn toeslagen' section is only available in Dutch.  

You should always inform the Tax office of any changes in your situation, including changes in the number of child care hours, income changes, living arrangements etc. You can submit any changes online via the Mijn toeslagen section. You can also call the Tax Information Line and they will help you to submit your change. 

When your child turns four they may not immediately begin attending primary school. If your child turns four a few weeks before or during the summer holidays and you want to continue child care during the summer holidays, you can leave the allowance unchanged. So suppose your child turns 4 in June, but does not start school until August, then you are entitled to childcare allowance until the first day of school. The tax authorities take into account an extension during this period. If you want the allowance to continue at another time during the year, you may have to repay part of the allowance. Inquire about the exact conditions with the tax authorities. 

If your child is transitioning from day care to after school care (BSO), you will need to submit the changes in hours to the tax office. You can submit any changes online via the Mijn toeslagen section.

No, there are no refunds for cancellations, absences, vacations or sickness. If your child(ren) is/are absent, the full day will still be invoiced.  

In order to ensure we comply with required staffing ratios so that we are able to offer a high level of service at all times we offer full care days only (afternoons for BSO). Parents may drop their child off later, or collect them earlier than the regular hours. However, the cost remains the same. 

We encourage parents to pick up their children on time. Funtazia closes at 18:30. For the evening pick up, we ask you to arrive before 18:20 to allow time for a brief update from the teacher. In the event of unavoidable lateness (work emergency or heavy traffic), please notify us as early as possible via a phone call. While we understand that emergencies and traffic delays may occur, our staff is compensated for overtime. Therefore, a fee of €15 will be charged for every 15-minutes (or part thereof) for late pick-ups after 18:30.


What do our parents say?

When Olivier attended the group, the teachers observed him and let us know how they could help him grow. Ollie was a little bit behind with rolling and sitting. But they asked us to help him with some exercises. In a short time after he was making immense progress and he got his very first certificate “Ollie rolled over”. We will never forget that moment! We are so thankful.

Mother of 11m Olivier in Bumblebees

They know the names of all the kids, are very caring and sweet.

Mother of Ollie 12m in Ladybug class

Funtazia staff are caring and warm, they pay attention to detail and always take the time for an update. They are professionals that clearly love their job and you can see the kids growing and enjoying every minute of Funtazia!

Mother of 1 year old Celeste