Horizontal Groups

Placing little tots and toddlers into horizontal age groups in Funtazia's Day Care fosters tailored and appropriate learning experiences. It promotes social interaction among peers at similar developmental stages. Horizontal grouping ensures our teachers can offer age-appropriate activities and challenges. It cultivates a supportive environment where children with similar “ages and stages” can thrive together.




Bumblebee Group: 3-12 months 

In our premium child care programme tailored for babies aged 3 to 9 months, we focus on providing a nurturing and safe environment for early development. Experienced caregivers offer gentle interaction and attentive care to support each baby's unique needs. Sensory experiences, tummy time, and soothing activities promote cognitive and motor skill development. Nutritious feeding plans cater to individual dietary requirements, ensuring babies receive optimal nourishment for healthy growth and development. 

Firefly & Ladybug Groups: 1-2 years 

In our Funtazia programme designed for children aged approximately 12 to 27 months, we prioritise holistic development and personalised care. Our dedicated teachers provide a stimulating environment and enrichment activities where children engage in age-appropriate activities that foster social, emotional, and cognitive growth. Structured play, creative exploration, and interactive learning experiences support language development and fine motor skills. Nutritious meals and snacks, tailored to dietary preferences, promote healthy eating habits and overall well-being. 

Butterfly, Grasshopper & Dragonfly Groups: 2-4 years 

In our Funtazia groups for children aged 2 to 4 years, we blend early years development with school readiness, creating a nurturing environment that caters to each child's unique needs. 

Through play-based learning and guided activities, our experienced teachers lay the foundation for cognitive, social, and emotional growth, ensuring that every child thrives. We focus on playful learning experiences, fostering independence, language development, and problem-solving skills. Our daily activities integrate elements of exploration, creativity, and structured routines, preparing children for the transition to primary education while keeping the fun of early childhood. Engaging in hands-on activities such as sensory play, art, and storytelling, children build confidence and curiosity, setting the stage for a lifetime of learning. 

Nutritious meals and snacks, along with ample opportunities for physical play and outdoor exploration, support their overall health and well-being, ensuring they are happy, healthy, and ready to embrace the journey ahead. 

In our Funtazia school readiness programme for preschoolers aged 3 to 4 years, we focus on preparing children for school while considering their holistic development. Our curriculum integrates play-based learning with structured activities to enhance cognitive, social, and emotional skills. Experienced teachers guide children through age-appropriate challenges, promoting independence, problem-solving, and creativity. Engaging in activities such as puzzles, drawing, and storytelling enhances their readiness for academic success. Nutritious meals and snacks, along with ample opportunities for physical activity, support their overall health and well-being. 


Gradual Transitions

Gradual transition plans, tailored to each child’s needs, are offered for children when moving up to the next age group, ensuring a smooth and easy adjustment for every child. 

If we feel that your child is ready to move up to the next group with other children who are in the same developmental stage, in consultation with team leaders, mentors, the pedagogical coach, and/or the operations manager, a proposal for the start date in the new group is made based on an observation report. This proposal and suggested start date is then sent to the parents and, if you agree, the transition process will begin.

In the weeks leading up to this start date in the new group, your child will spend approminately 30-60 minutes per day in his/her future group and, if necessary, we repeat this several times so that your child can slowly become accustomed to the new group and new staff members. A change within the blue groups (from the baby group to Ladybug or Firefly) requires less acclimatisation since children are already familiar with the caregivers. A change from the blue groups (0-2) up to the yellow groups (2+) requires a little more acclimatisation, but often children look forward to this transition and adapt very quickly.


What do our parents say?

When Olivier attended the group, the teachers observed him and let us know how they could help him grow. Ollie was a little bit behind with rolling and sitting. But they asked us to help him with some exercises. In a short time after he was making immense progress and he got his very first certificate “Ollie rolled over”. We will never forget that moment! We are so thankful.

Mother of 11m Olivier in Bumblebees

My daughter is now a toddler and about to move from the baby group up to the 'big kids group'. Rather than just put her in the other room straight away, they are taking the time to transition her slowly. They have been practising with her sleeping on the stretcher bed rather than in a baby bed, sitting on a chair rather than in a high chair, drinking from a cup rather than a sippy cup and each day, she will spend a little time in the new room each day to get used to it. It's a gradual smooth transition of which I am so grateful.

Mother of 2 year old Matilda

The classrooms are big and cater to the age group in order to stimulate the older kids and motivate the younger ones.

Mother of 1 year old Celeste