School Readiness

As children progress to the Grasshopper, Dragonfly, and Butterfly classes (2+), they embark on a journey to prepare for school, focusing not only on academic readiness but also on essential soft skills.

Through engaging play activities, we guide them in developing crucial social abilities such as:

  • making friends
  • sharing toys
  • taking turns
  • building confidence.

Additionally, we support their emotional growth as it is vital for their transition to "big school" by:

  • encouraging verbal expression
  • understanding of feelings

Our dedicated teachers are equipped to establish structured routines, foster cooperation, promote self-sufficiency in daily tasks like:

  • eating/using utensils
  • dressing (putting coat and shoes on etc.)
  • hygienic habits such as nose wiping, handwashing and brushing teeth after lunch
  • assistance with toilet training

All of the above is how we can ensure a holistic approach to the care and development of children at Funtazia.

The little Funtazia preschoolers are also encouraged to engage in activities that stimulate creativity, including puzzle-solving, drawing, colouring, and exploring shapes. These experiences enhance their artistic skills and lay the foundation for mathematical concepts, fostering creativity and enhancing visual and spatial abilities that will serve them well in later academic pursuits.


What do our parents say?

The activities are at a very high level, Ana is learning a lot.

Father of 3 year old Ana

We appreciate how quickly our son began speaking both English and Dutch, thanks to the activities at Funtazia.

Mother of 2 year old Ollie

It’s nice to see how much time these sweet teachers spend with the kids. I’m always smiling when I see my kid in circle time singing songs with his classmates, learning colors and signings. The teachers really teach him things. It’s different from what I hear about other daycares. It’s a blessing!

Mother of 11m Olivier in Bumblebees